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9:30-11:00 AM

9:30- 11:00am

Are you a cop?: Avoiding Suspicion in Internet Stings with Online Groomers

Natalie Walker is the world leader in her trauma-informed response to non-offending partners and affected family members of perpetrators of online sexual exploitation against children. Natalie is the founder and CEO of PartnerSPEAK. Her work has raised awareness of the profound impact on families, making Australia one of few countries that has a therapeutic response for these secondary victims. Natalie works closely with law enforcement agencies which significantly improves outcomes for families, investigators and disruption.

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Australian National University

Matthew is a researcher and data scientist at the Australian National University's Cybercrime Observatory. His research focuses on the underworld of the Internet. In particular, his work investigating online darknets (e.g., Tor, i2p, freenet) aims to reveal information on the hidden populations and subcultures within.

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Marcus Rogers

Purdue University

​Marcus K. Rogers, Ph.D., CISSP, CCCI, DFCP-F, is a Professor at Purdue University and Director of the Cyber Forensics Lab. He is a former police officer and former Editor in Chief of the Journal of Digital Forensics Security and Law (JDFSL). Dr. Rogers is a Fellow of the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) and a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS).




Simon Fraser University

Richard Frank is Associate Professor in the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada and Director of the International CyberCrime Research Centre (ICCRC). Richard completed a PhD in Computing Science (2010) and another PhD in Criminology (2013) at SFU. His main research interest is Cybercrime. Specifically, he's interested in researching hackers and security issues, the dark web, online terrorism and warfare, eLaundering and cryptocurrencies, and online child exploitation.

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University of New South Wales

*waiting for bio*


/ Organising committee

Child Sexual Abuse Reduction Research Network

Professor Arjan Blokland – Leiden University

Professor Ethel Quayle – University of Edinburgh

Dr. Salla Huikuri - Finnish Ministry of the Interior

Associate Professor Russell Brewer - University of Adelaide
Associate Professor Bryce Westlake - San Jose State University

Associate Professor Kathryn Seigfried-Spellar - Purdue University

Assistant Professor Anneke Koning - VU University Amsterdam

Contact Information

Department of Justice Studies
San Jose State University

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